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Where can I find the dolphins in different seasons?

Winter (from Dec. to Feb.)

  • Many dolphins in waters around Sha Chau, Lung Kwu Chau and north Lantau
  • Some dolphins in the east and south of Lantau waters and outer Deep Bay
Local Distribution
Distribution in Winter

Spring (from March to May)

  • Significant numbers of dolphins only occur in north Lantau and outer Deep Bay
  • Rarely appear in south Lantau and west Lamma
Local Distribution
Distribution in Spring

Summer (from June to August)

  • An influx of dolphins from mainland Chinese waters
  • They use the entire extent of their range in Hong Kong (i.e. outer Deep Bay; Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau; north, east and south Lantau; and west Lamma)
  • They mainly occur in waters north of Lantau
Local Distribution
Dolphin Distribution in Summer

Autumn (from Sept. to Nov.)

  • In autumn, the summer trend appears to continue
Local Distribution
Distribution in Autumn

To summarize, waters around Sha Chau, Lung Kwu Chau and north Lantau is heavily used by the dolphins throughout the year. It is the most important dolphin habitat in Hong Kong.

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