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Coral Field Guide

What are the twenty coral species commonly found in Hong Kong Marine Parks?

Classification of corals

About this field guide

This guide introduces twenty coral species that you are likely to encounter while snorkeling or diving within the marine parks of the northeastern waters of Hong Kong. These corals were selected to demonstrate the morphological difference of Hong Kong corals, in terms of their growth form and colouration.

Based on the result of the recent territorial-wide coral survey, the occurrence of corals in different localities is classified into five categories. This classification scheme is adapted in this field guide as follow:

Rare : < 2.5% of occurrence
Uncommon : 2.5% - 10% of occurrence
Common : 10% - 45.5% of occurrence
Dominant : 45.5% - 68% of occurrence
Abundant : 68% - 100% of occurrence 
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