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Coral Field Guide

What are the twenty coral species commonly found in Hong Kong Marine Parks?

Classification of corals ?


From left to right:   Porites spp. - 1-2 mm, Cyphastrea spp. - few mm, Dipsastraea spp. 6mm - >1.5cm
Porites spp.
Cyphastrea spp.
Favia spp.
From left to right: Cyphastrea spp. - volcano shape, 
Acropora spp. - tubular, 
Dipsastraea spp. - round and extruding, 
Platygyra spp.-valley shape
Cyphastrea spp.
Acropora spp.
Favia spp.
Platygyra spp.
Corallites characteristics
From left to right: Corallites characteristics, 
Coscinaraea spp.-no distinct wall, 
Acanthastrea spp.- toothy wall, 
Dipsastraea spp. - very distinct wall, 
Favites spp.- shared wall
Coscinaraea spp.
Acanthastrea spp.
Favia spp.
Favites spp.


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