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Coral Field Guide

What are the twenty coral species commonly found in Hong Kong Marine Parks?

Classification of corals?

Description of twenty selected coral species commonly found within Hong Kong Marine Park Areas

Favites pentagona (Esper, 1794)

Family: Merulinidae
Genera: Favites
Species: pentagona
Common name: Honeycomb coral
Field characteristics: This coral species exhibits the widest range of shapes and colouration of all Hong Kong corals. Colonies growth forms range from massive, submassive to encrusting and usually small. Corallite walls are thin and angular hence the common name 'honeycomb coral'. Walls are shared between corallites. The typical colouration is brown walls with bright green corallite centres, however, there are numerous variations such as uniform golden brown and pale grey/white walls with dark brown centres. Neighbouring colonies can exhibit totally different shapes and colour.
Abundance: Dominant
Distribution : Extensive geographical distribution range with records from all locations of Hong Kong, i.e., W, S, SE, E and NE. Well-represented in established coral communities and also able to exist in more marginal coral habitats. A common coral in Hoi Ha Wan, Yan Chau Tong and Tung Ping Chau Marine Parks.

Favites pentagona Favites pentagona
Favites pentagona Favites pentagona
Favites pentagona,  typical colouration (Top Left) and other colour morphs.

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