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Conservation Status

Conservation Status

Do we protect their homes in Hong Kong as well?

Feasibility studies of the potential marine parks were completed in June 1999. The sites include (i) southwest Lantau which is used by both Chinese White Dolphins and finless porpoises; and (ii) south Lamma which is an important habitat of finless porpoises. The Department is now considering the way forward with a view to designating more marine parks for the benefit of the marine mammals in Hong Kong waters.

Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) (Cap.499) can also protect the porpoises from impacts of development

So as to improve the seawater quality, the government is building some new disposal systems, and upgrading the existing sewage treatment facilities.

Fisheries Ship
Artificial reefs were deployed in marine parks and other sites in order to rebuild the local fish stock and therefore enhance the availability of the propoises' preys. We are also formulating a fisheries resources conservation and management plan to rectify the over-exploitation situation and to promote the sustainable development of the fishing industry.
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