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Pesticide Control and Related Information

Application for Pesticides Licence

The Pesticides Ordinance (Cap. 133) regulates the import, supply, manufacture, repackaging, storage, retail and labelling of all pesticides to protect public safety. Only persons with licences issued under the Pesticides Ordinance are allowed to carry out the aforementioned activities in respect of registered pesticides.

Registered pesticides are classified into two types according to their usage and toxicity. All those ready for immediate use in general household situation are Part I registered pesticides and all other pesticides are Part II registered pesticides. Applicants may apply for a licence to import / supply / manufacture / repackage / store / retail Part I pesticides, Part II pesticides or both Part I and Part II pesticides.

Furthermore, the pesticides to be imported, supplied or retailed must be subject to the restrictions imposed on any pesticide listed in the register of pesticides, such as maximum concentration of active ingredient(s) and permitted formulation.

Any person wishing to import / repackage / supply / manufacture / retail any Part I and/or Part II registered pesticides should apply, in the following manner, for a licence.

  • Application for a licence may be made at the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, 5/F., Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon.

  • Application form and guideline can be downloaded here. Facsimile copy is also obtainable from the interactive telephone No. (852) 2708 8885.

  • Postal application should be addressed to the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation, but enquiries may be made to the Plant & Pesticides Regulatory Division (Tel.: (852) 2150 7007).

  • Applicants are required to complete, in duplicate, an application form. A photocopy of the Business Registration Certificate should be submitted together with the application.

  • Applicants can also submit online application through the e-Services Platform in the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department’s website.
  • Before the application to be considered, every section on the application form must be completed. Normally it will take at least 2 working days to process the application

  • A fee of HK$ 140.00 is charged for every application for a licence. It is not refundable despite the result of the application.

  • Before an application is approved, AFCD may inspect the following: 

    1. the premises intended for the storage, repackaging, manufacture or retail of pesticides.
      (Note: Pesticides must be kept out of reach of children. No food or drink should be stored or prepared in proximity to the premises where pesticides are placed. Similarly, no clothing or other absorbent material should be placed nearby).

    2. the packaging of pesticides to be stored or retailed.
      (Note: The containers holding the pesticides must be impervious and strong enough to resist damage from normal handling and transport.)

  • Applicants are reminded to conform to the pesticide labelling requirements of Regulation 12 of the Ordinance. General labelling guidelines can be obtained from this Department.

  • Where the licence is approved, or approved with limitations, the applicant will be notified and one of the following licence fees is required to be paid before the licence can be issued.

    • Licences to deal in Part I pesticides -HK$ 435.00

    • Licences to deal in Part II pesticides -HK$ 880.00

    • Licences to deal in all registered pesticides -HK$ 880.00

  • If this fee is not paid within one month from the date of the notice of approval, the approval will lapse and a new application must be made.

  • Every licence shall expire 12 months after the date of issue but may, on payment of one of the following licence renewal fees, be renewed by this department.  Application for licence renewal is accepted up to 2 months prior to the expiry of the licence.

    • Licences to deal in Part I pesticide -HK$ 220.00

    • Licences to deal in Part II pesticide -HK$ 640.00

    • Licences to deal in all Registered pesticide -HK$ 640.00

  • No applications for renewal will be accepted after the date of expiry. Application made after that date must be accompanied by a new application form and the application fee of -HK$ 140.00.

  • All payments are non-refundable.

  • An "Import & Supply Licence" allowing the holder to import pesticides will not exempt him from complying with the Import and Export Ordinance, Cap. 60. Each shipment of pesticides imported, exported, or transshipped in Hong Kong must be covered by an Import and/or Export Licence issued by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department.

  • Penalties for Dealing with Registered Pesticides Illegally 

    • Import/manufacture/sale/supply of registered pesticides by any person without a licence.
      -        maximum fine at level 5 and one year imprisonment.

    • Contravention of any conditions as gazetted:
      (i)      use of any prohibited or controlled inert ingredient in the manufacture of pesticides.
      (ii)     import/sale/supply of pesticides containing any prohibited or controlled inert ingredient.
      -        maximum fine at level 1 and six months imprisonment.

    • Contravention of any of the conditions on a licence:
      -        maximum fine at level 4 and six months imprisonment.

    • Obstruction of an inspector, refusing to allow the collection of a sample, failure to produce a licence, etc:
      -        maximum fine at level 3 and six months imprisonment.