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Specialty vegetable crops

Technical Development

Premium Vegetables

Colored Cauliflower and Oak Leaf Lettuce


Cultivation Environment:
Sunny but not hot and dry weather is preferred. Grow well between 13℃± 7℃, i.e. autumn and winter, in thick loam soil with rich organic matter, good drainage and ventilation, and a pH value between 6.0 and 7.5.
Cool and dry weather is preferred. Grow well between 11℃ and 18℃, i.e. autumn and winter. Lettuce is a shallow-rooted crop. Grow well in slightly acidic sandy loam or clay loam (pH value between 5.8 and 6.5) with high water retention capacity and good drainage.
Planting and Spacing:
Use transplanting.  Germination takes about 3 days.  The seedlings can be transplanted when coming into 3 to 5 true leaves (about 28 days after sowing).
Row and plant spacing should be about 45 cm and arranged in a triangular pattern.
Transplantation of seedlings is preferable.  The seedlings can be transplanted when coming into 2 to 3 true leaves (about 3 to 4 weeks after sowing).

Plant spacing should be 25 cm x 30 cm.

Fertiliser Application and Management:
Basal Dressing: Apply about 1 000 kg of compost,  90 kg of both peanut cake and bone meal to each d.c..
Top Dressing: Apply 50 kg of organic fertiliser (N:P:K:MgO=4:3:3:1) and 10 kg of both peanut cake and bone meal to each d.c. as top dressing 10 days after transplanting.  Apply the same amount of fertiliser again 2 weeks later.
Perform light ploughing and earthing up at each top dressing to prevent the plant from being blown down.   Conduct weeding as well.
Basal Dressing: Apply about 1 000 kg of compost, 90 kg of both peanut cake and bone meal to each d.c..
Top Dressing: Apply 45 kg of organic fertiliser (N:P:K:MgO=4:3:3:1) to each d.c. as top dressing 2 weeks after transplanting.  Re-apply once every 2 weeks.
Irrigation: Adequate water is required during the growth period.  Maintain moderate moisture in the soil, and the soil should neither be too dry nor too wet.
Harvest when the buds grow sufficiently and the small buds have not yet expanded.  When harvesting, keep some leaves to protect the flowering heads.  Time to harvest depends on the species grown, it takes about 80 to 95 days from transplanting to first harvesting.
Ready for harvest about 40 to 55 days after transplanting.

 Horticulture Section, AFCD September 2015





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