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Hong Kong Biodiversity Database


Hong Kong Biodiversity Database

General Information
Pathysa antiphates antiphates
Five-bar Swordtail
Animal Group: Butterfly
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Papilionidae
Subfamily: Papilioninae
Other Name(s): Papilo antiphates , Graphium antiphates
Description: Caterpillars feed on Uvaria grandiflora. Wingspan ranges from 60 to 80mm. They occur from February to November.
Conservation Status
AFCD Assessment
  • Common
Distribution in Hong Kong
  • Widely distributed throughout Hong Kong
Global Distribution
  • Guangxi, Guangdong
Photo Gallery
No more photo available
  • Bascombe, M.J., Johnston, G., Bascombe, F.S. 1999. The butterflies of Hong Kong. Academic Press.
  • Young, J.J., Yiu, V., 2002. Butterfly Watching in Hong Kong. Wan Li Book Co Ltd.