Designated Marine Parks and Marine Reserve
The Brothers Marine Park
The Brothers Marine Park is situated in the northern Lantau waters, with a total sea area of about 970 hectares. It is designated as a marine park in December 2016, with the aim to help better conserve the Chinese White Dolphins, their habitats and enhance the marine and fisheries resources therein. Its western boundary is close to the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities, whilst the northern boundary stretching from the West Brother (Tai Mo To) passing the East Brother (Siu Mo To) to the eastern waters beyond, and the southern boundary extends along the shoreline of Siu Ho Wan. The boundary is demarcated by yellow lighted buoys at the corners of the marine park while the landward boundary generally follows the high water mark along the coastline. Please refer to the gazette map and explanatory material for the actual boundary.
Map of The Brothers Marine Park
(The map is for general reference only. |
The marine environment of The Brothers Marine Park is influenced by the Pearl River freshwater runoff with high organic loading and suspended sediments. As such, the marine organisms that are living within the waters are highly adapted to low salinity and high turbidity. The waters around The Brothers is identified as an important habitat for the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins (Sousa chinensis), locally known as the Chinese White Dolphins. The waters around The Brothers Marine Park are the feeding grounds for the Chinese White Dolphins and the potential spawning grounds of some commercially important fish species.
Zoning Scheme
Zoning scheme is adopted in The Brothers Marine Park to offer the most appropriate protection of marine habitats and species within the marine park, whilst minimising conflicts among different users of the marine park. The maximum speed limit of vessels within The Brothers Marine Park will be 10 knots in accordance with the Marine Parks and Marine Reserves Regulation (Cap. 476A). With the designation of The Brothers Marine Park and the implementation of the management plan, the Chinese White Dolphins and other marine life within the area will be better protected. Also, it will bring about long-term improvements to the local marine environment.
Core Area
The Brothers Marine Park is the second marine park in Hong Kong with the implementation of the management concept of “Core Area” after the Tung Ping Chau Marine Park. A Core Area of about 80 hectares is demarcated to provide protection to the prey sources of the Chinese White Dolphins and the fisheries resources therein. Fishing activities are prohibited within the Core Area.
Mooring Sites
Two mooring sites of about 73 hectares and about 36 hectares respectively, which coincide with the two existing Sham Shui Kok Anchorages No. 1 and 2, are demarcated in The Brothers Marine Park. Mooring or anchoring of vessels within the two mooring sites are allowed without prior permission from AFCD.
Marine operators whoever operate in The Brothers Marine Park should comply with the provisions in the Marine Parks and Marine Reserves Regulation (Cap. 476A). For those who plan to conduct business activity (including loading/ unloading/ transhipment of cargos) at the two mooring sites in The Brothers Marine Park, they should apply for the permit of conducting business activity within the marine park.
Regarding the application for Permit Application Procedures for Conducting Commercial Activities in the BMP, please visit here.
Geology of The Brothers
The Brothers are sites of ecological interest and special geological significance. The rocks on the islands are rich and diverse, comprising mainly mildly metamorphosed sedimentary rocks, including metamorphosed sandstone and siltstone. There are also graphite deposits on the West Brother (Tai Mo To), which date back to the Carboniferous Period, some 300 million years ago. Graphite is pure carbon, a mineral which evolved from submerged vegetation that metamorphosed during the geological processes. The formation process was similar to that of coal. Graphite is highly versatile and is used in a wide range of applications, including pencil cores and industrial lubricants. Commercial graphite has been mined on West Brother from 1950s to 1970s.
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