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Designated Marine Parks and Marine Reserve

Yan Chau Tong Marine Park

Yan Chau

Yan Chau Tong Marine Park is located on the northeast coast of Plover Cove Country Park which was designated in July 1996. The total sea area of this marine park is about 680 hectares and is made up of two portions:

(1) The first portion at Yan Chau Tong (Double Haven) is bounded by the high water mark along the coastline of the mainland in the west including Sam A Chuen and that of Double Island in the east;

(2) The second portion is located next to Lai Chi Wo and bounded by the line linking Chung Wan Tsui and the northern tip of Kau Lo Tau.

The landward boundary generally follows the high water mark along the coastline. Please refer to the gazette map and explanatory material for the actual boundary.

Map of Yan Chau Tong Marine Park

Map of Yan Chau Tong Marine Park

(press to download pdf) (361 KB)

(The map is for general reference only.
Please refer to the gazette map and explanatory material for the actual boundary.)

Yan Chau Tong is well-known for its rich fishery resources. Here, two important ecological habitats, including both mangroves and seagrass bed, act as nursery grounds for larvae and juvenile of fishes and many different marine lives. For more details on the ecology of this area, please visit the Ecology of Yan Chau Tong Marine Park.


A wide variety of landforms, such as bays, projecting headlands, peninsulas, rock cliffs, sand pits and beaches found within Double Haven (Yan Chau Tong) create diversified beach types ranging from mudflat to rocky shores. Some local people apprasie this area and called it "Mini Kweilin" in Hong Kong.

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