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Basic facts of the sea turtles

Species Diversity

According to the IUCN (The World Conservation Union) Red List of Threatened Species ™ (2018), there are 7 species of sea turtles in the world, namely:

Scientific Name English Name Geographical distribution Red List category
Caretta caretta Loggerhead Tropical and subtropical waters Vulnerable
Chelonia mydas Green turtle Tropical and subtropical waters Endangered
Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback Widest distribution, including some cold waters such as the North Sea and the Gulf of Alaska Vulnerable
Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill turtle Tropical and subtropical waters Critically endangered
Kemp's Ridley Gulf of Mexico Critically endangered
Lepidochelys olivacea Olive Ridley Tropical and subtropical waters Vulnerable
Natator depressus Flatback Australian waters Data deficient

Flatback, Australia

Flatback, Australia
Copyright: Chloe Schauble

Green turtle, Lamma Island, Hong Kong
Green turtle, Lamma Island, Hong Kong
Hawksbill, British Virgin Island

Hawksbill, British Virgin Island
Copyright: 2005 Caroline Rogers

Leatherback, Uruguay
Leatherback, Uruguay
Copyright: Karumbe Fotos, 2003
Kemp's Ridley, USA

Kemp's Ridley, USA
Copyright: Erin E. Seney, 2001

Loggerhead, Uruguay
Loggerhead, Uruguay
Copyright: Karumbe Photos
Olive Ridley, Mexico

Olive Ridley, Mexico
Copyright: Jeffrey A. Seminoff

According to the global distribution of the 7 species of sea turtles, can you tell which species of sea turtles are likely to be present in Hong Kong waters? Click to learn more!

The eighth species of sea turtles

Black sea turtle, Costa Rica

Black sea turtle, Costa Rica
Photo credit: Fabian Andres Sanchez

Some scientists proposed the eighth species of sea turtles, the Black turtles (Chelonia agassizii), which is localized in the Eastern Pacific Ocean and is closely related to the Green Turtles in many aspects. Nevertheless, there are strong debates over the validity of the species based on different evidence and many believe that the species is only a subspecies of the Green Turtles. In fact, both the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and the CITES do not regard this species as a valid species.