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"Light of Tolo Channel and Plover Cove" Photography Competition 2019

Organiser: Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD)
Service Provider:  Outdoor Wildlife Learning Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Eco-Education & Resources Centre, Eco Institute, Ecobus, The Education University of Hong Kong, Environmental Association, Green Power, Hong Kong Hiking Asociation, China, Ichthyological Society of Hong Kong, ProjecTrrae, University of Hong Kong, SWIMS and WWF

List of Winners

1)Student Group - Coastal and Marine Landscape 

2)Student Group - Coastal and Marine Life

3)Open Group - Coastal and Marine Landscape

4)Open Group - Coastal and Marine Life 

5)Mobile Phone Group - Coastal and Marine Landscape

6)Mobile Phone Group - Coastal and Marine Life 

7) Other Awards


To promote the beauty and biodiversity of coastal and marine life and their habitats in Hong Kong, and raise public awareness on the conservation of our coastal environment.



  1. Coastal and marine landscape: the showcase of the beauty along the coastline of Tolo Harbour, Plover Cove and Tolo Channel
  2. Coastal and marine life: capturing the eye-opening moments of the wildlife along the coastline of Tolo Harbour, Plover Cove and Tolo Channel

Photographs of beaches, mudflats, rocky shores, mangroves and other coastal habitats are welcome.


Target group:

Local full-time primary, secondary and tertiary students, and enthusiastic nature photographers



  1. Student Group
  2. Open Group
  3. Mobile Phone Group



  1. Student Group^: Participants must be local full-time undergraduate, secondary or primary students.
  2. Open Group^: Participants must be aged 18 or above and hold a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card.
  3. Mobile Phone Group: There is no age limit for participants.
  4. All photo entries must be taken in the coastal areas of Plover Cove, Tolo Harbour and Channel.
  5. All photo entries must be taken within the past two years. (1st June 2017 to 30th September 2019)

^ Age of all contestants shall be counted up to the date of open application of the Competition.


Terms and Conditions

On submitting an entry form and/or Contestant’s parent or guardian consent letter to Outdoor Wildlife Learning Hong Kong Limited (“the Service Provider”) for Light of Tolo Channel and Plover Cover Photography Competition 2019 (“the Competition”), the Contestants and/or their parents or legal guardians are deemed to have read, accepted and agreed to abide by the relevant rules of the Competition, including the Terms and Conditions, Image Upload Arrangement, Image File Requirements, Enrollment Procedures and any other rules and terms which the Service Provider shall announce within the competition period (collectively as “Regulations”).

  1. Contestants are reminded not to damage or disturb the natural environment or wildlife, and to abide by all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Country Parks Ordinance (Cap. 208), the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap. 170).
  2. Engaging wildlife by unscrupulous means like baiting, capturing, keeping them as pets, or scaring would be disqualified.
  3. Student Group – Contestants must hold a valid local full-time tertiary student card. Contestants under 18 years old must seek and submit a written consent from parent or legal guardian at the time of enrollment form submission.
  4. Open Group – Contestants must be aged 18 or above and hold a valid Hong Kong Identity Card.
  5. Age of all Contestants shall be counted up to the date of open application of the Competition.
  6. Each contestant should only participate in either Student Group or Open Group.
  7. Each contestant may participate in one or all themes within the same group, with the maximum of 3 entries under each theme.
  8. All photo entries must be taken in the coastal areas of Plover Cove, Tolo Harbour and Channel.
  9. All photo entries must be taken within the past two years. (1st June 2017 to 30th September 2019)
  10. All entries submitted for this Competition will not be returned.
  11. Mobile phone group contestants must shoot with phones, other devices with photography function e.g. tablets are not allowed.
  12. Employees of the Organiser, Service Provider and supporting organizations, judges, and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate in the Competition.


Format of entries

  1. Each participant must submit digital files in JPEG or TIFF format.
  2. All digital files must be 10 MB or smaller and must be at least 1,600 pixels wide (if a horizontal image) or 1,600 pixels tall (if a vertical image).
  3. Only minor burning, dodging, color correction and/or cropping is acceptable. Any changes to the original photograph not mentioned here, including digitally adding or removing anything, and changing the color of the photograph, are unacceptable.
  4. Watermarks are not acceptable.
  5. Each photo entries must be submitted with a title and caption with no more than 150 words in Chinese or English.
  6. Please name your photo files according to the following format:
    HKID first 4 characters_S/O/M*_LAND/LIFE*_Image no.
    *S- Student Group/ O- Open Group/ M- Mobile Group
    LAND- Coastal and Marine Landscape/ LIFE- Coastal and Marine Life
    For instance, in Student Group, with 2 Coastal and Marine Landscape images,
    Image 1 should be named as “Y999_S_LAND_1”, image 2 as “Y999_S_LAND_2”.
  7. Once the entries are selected, the original photographic digital files (JPEG, TIFF or RAW files) and the untouched EXIF data^ will be requested. Contestants who fail to submit original files upon request will be disqualified.


^EXIF stand for “Exchangeable image file format”, which is the information about how a photograph is taken, such as camera model, aperture and shutter speed. It is attached to JPEG, TIFF and other file formats. In Windows system, right click a photo and select properties to access the EXIF information. For Mac, preview the photo and press “Command+I” to access the information.


Submission of entries:


Complete the 'online entry form' before 30th September 2019 HKT 23:59, including

  • Images
  • Title in Chinese/ English
  • Caption/ Introduction (Not more than 150 words in Chinese/ English)

(Please complete the form in either Chinese or English)

Name your image according to the following format:

HKID first 4 characters_S/O/M_LAND/LIFE_Image no.


S- Student Group/ O- Open Group/ M- Mobile Group
LAND- Coastal and Marine Landscape/ LIFE- Coastal and Marine Life


For instance, in Student Group, with 2 Coastal and Marine Landscape images,
Image 1 should be named as “Y999_S_LAND_1”, image 2 as “Y999_S_LAND_2”.


An email of entry form record would be sent to you upon completion of the form.


Deadline of Submission:

30th September 2019 HKT 23:59

[Late submission will not be accepted]


Judging Criteria:

  1. Overall Beauty 30%
  2. Expression of Messages 30%
  3. Shooting Technique 20%
  4. Creativity 20%


1. Mr. Anthony LAU

        Experienced Landscape Photographer in Hong Kong

  1. Mr. Henry LUI

  Senior Conservation Manager, Green Power

3. Mr. John NG

  Experienced Nature Photographer in Hong Kong

4. Mr. Hydrogen PUN

  Experienced Nature Photographer in Hong Kong

5. Mr. Samson SO

Experienced Nature Photographer in Hong Kong, Founder and Director of Eco Institute


Prizes and Awards:

Student Group and Open Group (for each Theme):

Prizes Awards
Champion (1 place) Certificate, trophy and book/ gift vouchers HK$ 1,000*
1st Runner-up (1 place) Certificate, trophy and book/ gift vouchers HK$ 800*
2nd Runner-up (1 place) Certificate, trophy and book/ gift vouchers HK$ 600*
Merit Award (3 places) Certificate, trophy and book/ gift vouchers HK$ 300*

Mobile Phone Group (for each Theme):

Prizes Awards
Mobile Phone Group Award (3 places) Certificate, trophy and book/ gift vouchers HK$ 300*

Other Awards (6 places):

Prizes Awards
The Comedy Wildlife Awards (2 places) Certificate, trophy and book/ gift vouchers HK$ 300*
The Most Creative Awards (2 places) Certificate, trophy and book/ gift vouchers HK$ 300*
The Most Dynamic Awards (2 places) Certificate, trophy and book/ gift vouchers HK$ 300*

*Student Group will receive book vouchers while other groups and awards will receive gift vouchers.

#All entries, regardless of the Group, will run for 6 places of Other Awards.


Outdoor Wildlife Learning Hong Kong (OWLHK)

Tel: 3619 0625

Email: lightoftolo2019@gmail.com


Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD)

Tel: 3468 5465

Fax: 3468 3014

Facebook: Ting Kok Appreciation


Copyright of Photo Entry

1.       Contestants declare and warrant that the Entry are his/her/its team member’s original work. Contestants warrant and guarantee that they and their team members had not, have not and/or will not give the above license to any third party.

2.       By submitting an Entry in the Competition, Contestants have given and shall procure their members to give an irrevocable perpetual non-exclusive license to the Organiser and the Service Provider to use, edit, modify, reproduce, publish and/or disseminate the submitted Entry for any purposes, including but not limited to advertising and educational purposes by any means that the Organiser and the Service Provider thinks fit, without prior notice or consent to the Contestants.

3.       Contestants warrant and guarantee that they are the sole owner of all copyrights of the Entry and to the best of their knowledge that no complaint or claim shall be arisen from any third party in respect of such Entry.

4.       Contestants declare the Entry does not:

a.       infringe or violate, or involving elements that infringe or violate applicable law and regulations, including but not limited to crimes, violence, obscenity, indecency, libel, defamation, privacy invasion, or threatening;

b.       infringe or violate any intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyrights, patent, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets or other proprietary rights, held by any third party, regardless whether such rights are known to the Contestants;

c.       contain any confidential information of any third party;

d.       contain an individual or group of persons, who does not give consent to take such pictures;

e.       contain viruses, corrupted files, or other materials that may cause damage to another's computer; or

f.        advertise or otherwise solicits funds or sales of goods or services.

5.       If an Entry submitted by the Contestant infringes or violates any third party’s rights, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, and/or any legislation, law or regulation, the Organiser and the Service Provider will not be responsible for any consequences.

6.       When the Organiser and the Service Provider suffer from any claim or investigations conducted by any competent authorities, by reason of any right allegedly subsist in the Entry or infringement of the same, Contestant agrees to hold the Organiser and the Service Provider  harmless and to indemnify the Organiser and the Service Provider in full for any direct or indirect loss and damage, economic loss, loss of reputation and/or any consequential loss and damage or otherwise, together with any expenses, costs and further loss and damage suffered and incurred by the Organiser and the Service Provider as a result of such claims and investigations.

Personal Data

7.       The personal data provided and collected will be used by the Organiser and the Service Provider for one or more of the following purposes:

For creation, processing and maintenance of the Contestants’ enrollment records, the administration and monitoring of the Competition, publication, printing, exhibition, display, promotion, issue or other purposes as the Organiser and the Service Provider deem appropriate in connection with the Entry submitted by the Contestant for the Competition.

8.       Contestants have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data under sections 18 and 22 and principle 6, schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).


The Organiser and the Service Provider reserve the right in its sole and absolute discretion to disqualify or exclude any person from the Competition who:

a.       gives incorrect or incomplete personal information during enrollment and/or in the Competition;

b.       breaches the Regulations and Terms and Conditions;

c.       engages in any unlawful or other improper misconduct; or

d.       the Organiser and the Service Provider reasonably believe to have committed any of the above.


The Organiser and the Service Provider will have the sole and absolute right to cancel, adjourn or change any details including the date and venue of the Competition without prior notice to any parties.

The Organiser and the Service Provider reserve the right to amend, delete, supplement and interpret the Regulations from time to time, and to adjudicate any dispute arising from the Competition. A decision of the Organiser and the Service Provider will be final and binding on all Contestants.

In case of any inconsistency between the English version and Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.