Import of Dogs and Cats from Group II countries/places
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Import Requirements
Please read the permit terms carefully to ensure the full compliance before importation of animals. Failure to comply with the Permit Terms may render the animals to be returned to the country / place of export or quarantined for a period determined by the Senior Veterinary Officer at the cost and risk of the permittee / agent. The permittee / agent may be prosecuted.
The documents dispatch with Special Permit shall prevail.
Permit Terms | DC-02v05 |
Forms of Animal Health Certificate | VC-DC2 (Sample Document) |
Airline Certificate (Captain's Affidavit) | PC101 (Sample Document) |
Application Procedure:
*Please read through all the parts carefully before submitting your application.
Please click the image below for a summary of the importation procedure.
I. Submit the application document:
- Fill in the prescribed forms (Form No. AF240 ) and (Form No. UN110) (Sample Document) (PDF format) . Facsimile copies are available from the interactive telephone (852) 2708 8885. The forms can also be obtained by dialing (852) 1823.
- HKID / Passport of the applicant (photocopy if submitted by post).
- If the animals are imported for trading purposes, Animal Trader License must be obtained in advance. For details, please visit
II. Pay the Permit Fee
Fee must be paid at the time of the application (unless otherwise stated). Permit fee for a single animal is HK$432. Fee for each additional animal is HK$102 under a same permit for a single shipment.
In person: | Cash or crossed cheque payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" is to be paid at the time when an application is submitted. |
By post: | Crossed local cheque is acceptable for local application. Cash should not be sent by post. |
For overseas application: | Payment shall be by bank draft in HONG KONG CURRENCY payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" drawn from a bank in Hong Kong. An overseas applicant may nominate a person or an agent in Hong Kong to apply for permits on his / her behalf. |
III. Where to Apply
Either in person or by post to the licensing office:
Permit & Certification Section (Counter No. 10), Import & Export Division, 5th Floor,
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Office hours:
Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 noon, 1:30 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. (Close on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays.)
Applicant can also apply for the Special Permit through the Trade Single Window. More information can be viewed at
IV. Processing Time
At least 3 working days, subject to provision of all required information (i.e. it takes 5 working days from the date of receipt of application and permit fee to the date of issue).
Please apply well in advance and make allowances for mailing time, and meet the health requirements such as vaccinations and/or blood tests. |
V. Dispatch of Permit
- By ordinary mail (local) or air mail (overseas) to the address as indicated in the application form. Please enclose a self-addressed envelope together with the application (No stamp is required).
- To avoid postal delay, the applicant may choose to pick up the permit at the licensing office in person or by an appointed agent. The permit will not be dispatched by fax nor email.
VI. Validity of Permit
- Valid for 6 months and for one consignment only. Animals must be imported on or before the expiry date of the permit.
- If extension is required, application and fee must be submitted before the permit expired.
- The permit will only be extended for 30 days in every application, and it takes 3 working days for the extension process from the date of receipt of application and fee.
Important Reminder
Dogs and cats imported from the Group II countries / places may be exempted from quarantine subject to full compliance with the permit conditions.
Final travel arrangement should NOT be made until a permit has been granted.
Two sets of carbonised Special Permits will be sent to the applicant. Please retain the original (white) copy for the retrieval of pets on arrival. The carrying airline and shipping company may require the shipper to produce the duplicate (yellow) copy before accepting the carriage of pets in the exporting country/place.
Pets that have left Hong Kong are subject to the importation and quarantine restrictions as outlined above on their return to Hong Kong. Special Permits/Import Permits to bring back pets that have left Hong Kong need to be obtained from this Department in advance.
If deemed necessary (for instance, animals of doubtful history; animals showing clinical signs of diseases), the quarantine period for dogs and cats from all countries/places (Group I, II, IIIA and IIIB) may be extended. Dogs and cats without proper documentation may be required to undertake a minimum of 4-month quarantine at the owner's expense or returned to the country/place of origin.
- Location of AFCD office at the Hong Kong International Airport.
Tel : (852) - 1823
Email :
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