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Regulations on Trade in Endangered Animal Species

The Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance, Cap. 586, lists out the requirements for trade in endangered species. It also contains the list of controlled species, the licence fees schedule and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) guidelines that are applicable to Hong Kong.

Animal traders importing, introducing from sea, exporting, re-exporting or possessing for commercial purposes of animals of a scheduled species, whether alive, dead, their parts or derivatives, shall comply with the licensing requirements under Cap. 586.

Animals of Appendix I Species

Commercial trade in animals of Appendix I species of wild origin is prohibited and this Department will not issue any licence. Commercial trade is allowed for Appendix I animals bred in captivity for commercial purposes from CITES registered captive breeding operations. The import, export, re-export or possession of the aforementioned animals of Appendix I species requires a licence issued in advance by this Department.


Animals of Appendix II Species

The import of animals of Appendix II species is subject to the production of a valid CITES export permit issued by the exporting place. If the animal is a live specimens of wild origin, an import licence issued in advance by this Department is also required.

The export or re-export of an Appendix II animal species requires a licence issued in advance by this Department.

The possession of a live animal of Appendix II species of wild origin requires a licence, which is issued for each keeping premises. A licence is not required if traders can prove by documentary evidence (e.g. CITES documents in respect of the animals) that it is not a live animal of Appendix II species of wild origin.


Animals of Appendix III Species

The import of an animal of Appendix III species is subject to the production of a valid CITES export permit or a certificate of origin issued by the exporting place. The export or re-export requires a licence issued in advance by this Department.

If you intend to sell animals of a scheduled species under this Ordinance, you must apply for a licence from AFCD beforehand. The animals shall be inspected by an authorized officer upon landing in or leaving from Hong Kong. Please visit here for more information on Cap.586.

Any person contravening the licensing requirements of Cap. 586 will be prosecuted and is liable to a maximum fine of HK$10,000,000 and imprisonment for 10 years on conviction.

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department