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"Light of Tolo Channel and Plover Cove" Photography Competition 2017


Organiser: Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD)
Eco-Education & Resources Centre
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Eco Institute, The Education University of Hong Kong, Green Power, Hong Kong Hiking Asociation, China, SOHK and WWF


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To promote the beauty and biodiversity of coastal and marine life and habitats in Hong Kong, and raise public awareness on the conservation of our coastal environment.

Theme of the Competition:

Coastal and marine habitats, life and interesting stories along the coastline of Tolo Harbour, Plover Cove and Tolo Channel.


1. Student Group (Full-time Student)

2. Open Group

Each Group includes 3 items

a. Wide Angle - Coastal & Marine Environment

b. Wide Angle - Coastal & Marine Life

c. Macro - Coastal & Marine Life

Eligibility and Entry Requirements:

Participants must be holders of valid full-time student cards (only applicable to Student Group).

Participants must be holders of Hong Kong Permanent Identity Cards (only applicable to Open Group)

All photo entries must be taken in the coastal areas of Tolo Harbour, Plover Cove or Tolo Channel.

Judging Criteria:

Overall Beauty (40%)

Shooting Technique (30%)

Expression of Messages and Creativity (30%)

Awards and Prizes:

Awards and Prizes for each category:

Prizes Awards
Champion (1 place) Certificate and book/gift vouchers* HK$2000
1st Runner-up (1 place) Certificate and book/gift vouchers* HK$1000
2nd Runner-up (1 place) Certificate and book/gift vouchers* HK$500
Merit Award (5 places) Certificate and book/gift vouchers* HK$200
Most Popular Award (1 place in each group) Certificate and book/gift vouchers* HK$500

*Student Group will receive book vouchers & Public Group will receive gift vouchers

Deadline of Submission:

31st October, 2017 [Late submission will not be accepted]


  • Mr. Stanley CHAN
    Conservation Manager, Eco-education and Resources Centre
  • Mr. Samson SO
    Senior Nature Photographer in Hong Kong, Founder and Director of Eco Institute
  • Mr. Hydrogen PUN
    Senior Nature Photographer in Hong Kong
  • Mr. John NG
    Senior Nature Photographer in Hong Kong
  • Mr. Henry LUI
    Senior Conservation Manager, Green Power

Rules and Regulations:

  1. Each participant should only participate in either the Student Group or Open Group.
  2. Each participant must submit digital files (JPEG or TIFF format with a resolution of which around 2MB. RAW file is not accepted).
  3. Each participant may participate in one group of one item or all items, with a maximum of 5 entries in each item.
  4. All entries submitted for this Competition will not be returned.
  5. All entries must be the original works by the participants and have not been sold, published or taken part in other photography competitions previously.
  6. To take part in the Competition, participants aged below 18 should obtain the consent from their parents/guardians, whereas the participants should understand and abide by the terms and conditions laid down by the organiser.
  7. The organiser is entitled to disqualify any participant who does not observe the above rules and regulations of the Competition. The organiser also reserves the right to timely amend the rules and regulations of the Competition without prior notice to the participants.
  8. Once the entries are selected, the original photographic films or digital files (JPEG or TIFF, around 5MB) must be provided by the participants. Entries will be disqualified if original files are not available.
  9. In case of dispute, the decision of the organiser will be final and binding on all parties concerned.
  10. Immediate relatives of staff of the organisers and contractor judges are not eligible to participate in the Competition.

Submission of Entries:

  1. Entry form and Rules and Guidelines of the Competition can be downloaded here.
  2. Participants must submit the following documents by e-mail:
    - Completed and signed entry form in electronic format;
    - electronic copy of the student card (only applicable to Student Group);and
    - the submission of photographic films or digital files (should be around 2MB each).

#For the e-mail title please specified as "Light of Tolo Channel and Plover Cove" Photography Competition 2017”. Participants who successfully submitted their entries will receive an acknowledgement e-mail.

Roving Exhibition:

Date & Time Venue
10-15th January, 2018
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Hong Kong Wetland Park
24-27th January, 2018
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Learning Commons, Lower Podium Floor, Block C, The Education University of Hong Kong