Import of Animal Carcasses and Animal Products
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Import of Animal Carcasses and Animal Products THE RELEVANT ORDINANCE Section 11 of the Rabies Regulation, Cap. 421, stipulates that no person shall import into Hong Kong any animal, carcass or animal product except a permit issued by this Department is obtained well in advance. Under this Ordinance, "animals" means all members of the class mammalia (mammals) except human beings; "Animal Products" means parts or derivatives of a dog, a cat (e.g. dog skin, canine semen, canine plasma, etc.) or any animal that has been infected with rabies and "carcasses" includes the carcass of a dog or cat, the carcass of any animal that has died on the journey to Hong Kong or the undressed carcass of any animal. APPLICATION PROCEDURES The applicant should submit the application in a prescribed form ( Import Permit (For the importation of Animal Products) - Form No. AF303 Downloading of the forms for viewing and printing can be done through the use of the Adobe(R) Acrobat(R) Reader software which is available free at the Adobe Systems Incorporated website. Facsimile copies are available from the interactive telephone: (852) 2708 8885. The form can also be obtained by dialing (852) 1823. PERMIT FEE The permit for the importation of animal products is issued free of charge. WHERE TO APPLY Either in person or by post to: Permit Issuing Desk (Counter No. 10), 5th Floor, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Office hours: Applicant can also apply for the Import Permit through the Trade Single Window. More information can be viewed at PROCESSING TIME 3 working days, subject to provision of all required information (i.e. it takes 5 working days from the date of receipt of application and permit fee to the date of issue). Please apply in advance and make allowances for mailing time. DISPATCH OF PERMIT By ordinary mail (local) or air mail (overseas) to the address as indicated in the application form. Please enclose a self-addressed envelope together with the application (No stamp is required). To avoid postal delay, the applicant may choose to pick up the permit at the licensing office by himself or by his appointed agent. The permit will not be dispatched by fax. OVERSEAS APPLICATION To minimise inconvenience and to expedite urgent application, overseas applicants may nominate a person or agent in Hong Kong to apply for the permit on their behalf. VALIDITY OF THE PERMIT Valid for 6 months and is good for one consignment only. If extension is required, application and fee must be submitted before the permit expired. The permit will only be extended for 30 days in every application, and it takes 3 working days for the extension process from the date of receipt of application and fee. IMPORT REQUIREMENTS All permit terms and conditions must be fully complied with. Animal products (blood and tissue) from Group III A and III B countries/places are prohibited. TRANSHIPMENT OF ANIMAL PRODUCTS Import permits are required for transshipment of animal products (involving change of aircraft or mode of transport in Hong Kong). However if the products remain in the same aircraft, an import permit is not required. However, importers are advised to comply with the requirements which are imposed by the country/place of destination. ENQUIRY Tel. : (852) - 1823 ADVICE ON THE IMPORTATION/TRANSHIPMENT OF THE FOLLOWING ANIMAL PRODUCTS Importation/transhipment of pet food/animal feed to/via Hong Kong Importation/transhipment of preserved/stuffed animal specimen to/via Hong Kong Importation/transhipment of biological products of animal origin to/via Hong Kong Importation of feathers to Hong Kong