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Marine Park Visitor Service

Hoi Ha Wan Public Ecotour Service

Want to visit Hoi Ha Wan at your own pace? No problem.
Download the self-guided leaflet here and let it lead you through all the checkpoints.

Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park


Location of Hoi Ha Visitor Centre (Aerial View)


Hoi Ha Visitor Centre


The Drumming Rocks in Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park



Corals can be observed from the pier at low tide


The lime kiln in Hoi Ha has over 100 years of history


From May 2021 onward, the Hoi Ha Visitor Centre under Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department has been opened to the public. Free public guided ecotours are available on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.


Guided Activities

Public Individuals

Ecotour Schedule
Morning tour: 10:30 am - 12:15 pm
Afternoon tour: 2:00 pm - 3:45 pm
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays (two tours per day)

Maximum 25 persons per tour
 (Remarks: 15 places are available for online reservation. If the online reservations are full, visitor(s) can approach the reception counter of the Hoi Ha Visitor Centre for walk-in registration on the day of your visit)

Online reservation or walk-in registration at the reception counter at Hoi Ha Visitor Centre on the visiting day, on first-come-first-served basis


● Group Visit for the Communities (Pre-registration required)

This guided service is designed for registered social services and charity organisations, non-profit organisations, or institutes which provide special education. Application should be made in advance.

Day and Duration
Weekdays except Tuesdays, about 1.5 hours

25 participants per tour

Please click here for more information (Please choose 'Hoi Ha Wan Guided Eco-tour')

* We will confirm the application via email within one week after the registration. Organisations are required to provide documentary proof for non-profit or charity nature (e.g. letter issued by the Inland Revenue Department under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance), otherwise we may not be able to provide the service.


Routes for Guided Visit

● Tour starts from Hoi Ha Visitor Centre, scenic spots include Hoi Ha Village, Public Pier (for Coral Watching), Lime Kiln and Mangrove.

● The tour may pass through rocky and muddy trails. Applicants should wear appropriate outfit and should consider their own capability before applying for the tour.


Guided Tour Path
Download PDF (725 KB)  Download JPEG (525 KB)


Tropical Cyclones and Rainstorm Warnings Arrangement

  1. If Hong Kong Observatory is issued/going to issue any Rainstorm Warning, Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 3 or above within 3 hours before the activity starts, or Environmental Protection Department announced AQHI (Tap Mun station) 10+, the activity will be cancelled without prior notice.

  2. During the outdoor activity, if any of the above signals is hoisted, the activity will be aborted. If thunderstorm warning is hoisted or other unforeseen conditions, duty staff will consider the on-site condition and may cease the activity.


Marine Parks Visitor's Codes

How to get to Hoi Ha Visitor Centre



Public Ecotour: 2772 7223
School Visit: 3468 5496 / 3468 5499